Sunday 21 August 2011

The crowd and the teeny path

Note : From the time I visited Shantiniketan and started reading Tagore, the mind thinks in verse and the abstractness of the verse is more crystal clear than any sorted conversation. For my love of Tagore, want to log one more verse!

A give in with no conditions 
Trust only a clear heart can afford
I see every day 
Peel off the redundant and shake the soul
Is only they could come true
A sea of people always visible

You see a crowd, you trace those eyes, and they believe
The crowd pulls over, is always ready to engulf the dreamer.
You try your bit. Stretch out your hand; give a chance to move out.
From within those many many hands, there is a stirring.
The dreams mix and match, they blend to form a hue undefined.
The path looks unkempt. The years of no attention has let the creepers grow, the thoughts need mowing.
Someone has to clean it up before the walk.

You drive out the courage from the ruins of the soul,
The walk is ready to begin
And then
You look back
The crowd remains, it has engulfed again
That is what it was supposed to do

You try not to look amused
Patience, perseverance ; the fire in the belly will not help!
The blanket of the crowd can seem cozier and comforting than that unique breeze of the walk

My definitions are getting blurred, but the creepers will never thrive again…………….